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All essential information at a glance in the Dolomite Panorama Region Gsiesertal-Welsberg-Taisten
A-Z Guide
Bus Stop
Bus stop Val Casies Valley – S. Martino, Stegen
Train and bus: Bus line 441
Parking area
Parking area Val Casies Valley – Colle, Sports zone
Train and bus: Bus line 441
Fontain Toldt
Respect the mountain - Public fountain Toldt
Monguelfo village centre - Pustertaler Straße 14 - at the Toldthaus, near the Monguelfo tourist office. -------------- Coming from Innsbruck/Brennero ...
Dog toilet
Dog toilet in Val Casies Valley – S. Maddalena, near the animal parc Reierhof. Dog bags available. Proper disposal of dog waste is required by law ...
Ice Skating
Ice skating rink, Sports zone Tesido
Ice skating on the natural ice rink in the Tesido sports zone. No skate rental.
Hellweger Intersport
Ski Rental Hellweger
Parking: Monguelfo-Tesido – Monguelfo, village centre.
Ski rental
Ski rental Hellweger, railway station Monguelfo
Our competent technical staff will be happy to advise you. You can rent: Ski touring sets, Alpine skiing sets, Cross country skiing sets, Helmets, ...
Tourist Office Monguelfo
At the tourist office in Monguelfo you can get all kinds of tourist information about the Val Casies Valley, Monguelfo and Tesido and the staff will ...
Trakofler Manfred Baggerarbeiten Tiefbau
Movimento terra Trakofler
Parking: Monguelfo-Tesido – Tesido, directly at the company.
Museum Ladin
Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor
Ladin Museum - Tor Castle In the very heart of the Dolomites live more than 30,000 Dolomite Ladins whose identity is characterised mainly by two ...
« 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 » 266 items on 27 pages, displayed items 141-150