Respect the mountain
Creating and preserving habitat
Respect the mountain

This project is about drinking water that we have here in South Tyrol. It is a great privilege that we have drinkable tap water of the best quality available at all times.

Find out more about this great project here:

Our drinking water refilling points:
Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Respect the mountain - Public fountain Weiher Quellen
Refill points for drinking water
Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Respect the mountain - Public fountain Pavillon
Refill points for drinking water
Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Respect the mountain - Public fountain former courthouse
Refill points for drinking water
Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Respect the mountain - Public fountain Margarethen
Refill points for drinking water
Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Respect the mountain - Public fountain Guggenberg
Refill points for drinking water
Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Respect the mountain - Public fountain Porten
Refill points for drinking water
Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Respect the mountain - Public fountain Messenhaus
Refill points for drinking water
Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Respect the mountain - Public fountain Toldt
Refill points for drinking water